
Saturday, October 10, 2015

Fall 2015 - So Far

Me with my friend and MSVUSU president, Justin (left)
         I know it's been a few months since the last time I wrote here; I had been a bit occupied over the summer. However, I am already on the journey to see what God has in store. Also, I have come across a few new things and people recently, which is rewarding in and of itself.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Basic: Holy Spirit

In continuation with my Basic Series adventure with my college n' careers group, we watched the third video: Holy Spirit. This video talks about who the Holy Spirit is and some thoughts on why the Holy Spirit we read in the New Testament doesn't seem to be present today in our churches. Here are just a small amalgamation of some thoughts my group mates and I after viewing the video.

Is it just me, or have we sort of cheapened the person of the Holy Spirit? What I mean is, why is it that we talk about the Holy Spirit when we're in church, and we have this predictable nature with our services that nothing about it seems to be supernatural, if natural at all. Why doesn't the presence of the Holy Spirit not appear or sound similar to something like what the Apostles experienced in Acts?

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Basic: Follow Jesus

Two Sundays ago, I started going through a video study called the Basic Series. We had discussed about what it meant to fear God, and I like how we concluded on it (you can read that from my previous post on the video, "Fear God"). Last Sunday, we watched the video, "Follow Jesus", which is video #2 in this series.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Basic: Fear God

My college and careers group at church had started going through a video series presented by Frances Chan, called, "Basic". So far, it's a rather good series. We had quite a good discussion after watching the first video this past Sunday afternoon.