
Thursday, August 7, 2014

Fear and Provisions

Wow, it's been three months since I had written here. The time sure does fly. I guess I should explain a little about what's been going on...

I started a new job in the city about a month ago at Costco, and I am one among a few students working at the front end (what we call the cash register area). It's not too bad of a job, though dealing with customers sometimes can be stressful and annoying, and I also have to be careful about forklifts coming by whenever I have to work a night shift. It's at least some work experience that I can add to my CV.

Though I appear to be doing fine at my job, I sometimes can't help but worry and fear about possibly being fired; I'm on probation, so you're only given a limited amount of time before you can be more solidified in the company - in my case, that's three months. However, thinking through the past months about this fear of not having a job reminded me of a lesson that I had helped teach to some kids at a Vacation Bible School session at church this past week of God being our provider and how He provides our needs.

In 1 Kings 17, we see how God had provided food to the prophet Elijah after giving King Ahab a message that there would be a long drought in Israel, as well as when Elijah visits a widow for some bread and God miraculously provides enough flour to make bread for Elijah and the widow's family. A similar type of phenomenon can also be found in the Gospels where Jesus fed five thousand men using five loaves of bread and two fish (see Matthew 14:13-21, John 6:1-14, Mark 6:30-44 & Luke 9:10-17). These were times when a simple thing was needed (and one that we all can relate to): hunger. Yet, God had provided a way to feed His people. Since God has that kind of power and then some, then He will provide for me because He knows what I need before I do.

I think it’s great that I can count on an all-knowing, all-powerful and all-present God who knows everything about me and wants me to be in a relationship with Him. Yet I bet you’re wondering: “aren’t I scared of God since He is so powerful that He can wipe us off the planet in an instant?” Well, yes, I am afraid of God, but I am also in awe of all of the goodness and love that He has shown me over the years. I’ve read that among the Psalms and Proverbs (e.g. Psalm 111:10 & Proverbs 1:7), it is stated that “the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom/knowledge”. What I believe this means to me is that the driving fear and awe of who God is and how much He loves me will lead me into a more spiritually abundant life, one that He intends to show me as I continue yielding to Him.

Living life for God is definitely never the easiest thing – it’s truly sacrificial – but I believe that faith work and community are great ways to get moving in your current path. God has brought some amazing people into my life since coming to the Mount, and for that, I am deeply grateful. I wouldn’t be where I am now without my family and friends to support me like they do. And it’s through the power and grace of God that these bonds will become stronger with each passing storm. Having a God-loving community is such a blessing and a gift.

Until next time,


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