It was when there were five thousand hungry people hunkered along the shore (I often refer to Luke's recording, though I'm certain that there are other versions of this event in the other Gospels); recognizing an important need, Jesus was able to miraculously distribute five loaves of bread and two fish among them. Even though what we were doing was nothing the same as that miracle, the emphasis was that we saw something that the students were going to need later on as they were actively participating inside the gymnasium and used it as an opportunity to serve. I'm certain that a lot of students, new and returning, greatly appreciated the gesture that we were making (though it was probably just for the ice cream and such...that's okay). I was leading one of the events inside, so I couldn't help distribute the treats.
Going through my Bible to find something about giving and generosity, I came across this set of verses:
"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen. (1 Peter 4:10, 11 NIV)"
I found this to be rather intriguing and inspirational as it allowed me to reflect on how each one of us as followers of Jesus Christ has at least one or more spiritual gifts, God-given abilities that are designed to glorify Him and build up the Church; we each had our own role to play in reaching out to people who do not know God personally. For me, that was to act as a friendly face who can encourage others into doing what they put their minds to do, as well as to be a guide and friend to the new students. I do enjoy getting to meet new people, understand their backgrounds and help them along their own life journeys.
I'm really excited to see what God is planning to do here at the Mount, who He's going to bring into our lives, and the new and exciting challenges awaiting us. How does He want us to interact with the students and faculty? What kinds of things should we look into to help them along the way? I pray that He reveals these things within His time. I hope that this has encouraged you as you continue to live your life for God, constantly dying to your own fleshy desires.
Take care,
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